14 Quotes & Sayings By Jonathan Friesen

Jonathan Friesen is the founder of the popular blog site, The Friesen Files. He has been an online entrepreneur for over 10 years. He is the author of several books, including the bestselling book, The Secret to Building a Million-Dollar Business.

How easy it was to slip through the cracks alongside him. To fall in the very same trap I had committed to free him from. Jonathan Friesen
My world had become his, or his mine; it was hard to say Jonathan Friesen
The moment was surreal. A sometimes-autistic young man with two identities lecturing a room full of zombies on feelings and realities. Jonathan Friesen
I miss home. I miss ignorance. I've seen a beauty I can't fathom in the Aquifer, and met a girl who moves my heart. Jonathan Friesen
I belong everywhere and nowhere, and I alone can save two worlds. Jonathan Friesen
No, no. Not a genius. This is like what reading is like for you. You look at the squiggles and loops, and the puzzle opens until suddenly nothing means something, something more than the sum of the parts, right? I see one hunk of metal and then another, and the puzzle opens. They turn in my mind and just make sense. Together they all mean something. Jonathan Friesen
My whole life, I prepared to come down in order to save the world above.. Now I have to ascend to save the world below.. Jonathan Friesen
Frightened that you'll be overcome by yourself? That a gentle monster inside of you might take over and never let go? Jonathan Friesen
What's wrong with me? I lose my footing, in here.' He touched his head. 'When a neuro-typical looses their footing, they yell or escape to the TV, or maybe the doctor throws them on depression meds. But when I slip, I fall all the way through. I feel the ground give way and I'm gone. It's a crack -- a crack in what's real, and beneath there I'm stuck. Then, I guess I become someone else. Mom says I still know my name, but I walk a different world. The shrink calls it DID -- Dissociative Identity Disorder -- with a little added autism to spice up my other personality. I suppose he's right, but only I know how it feels to slip through the cracks. Then the monster shows up. . Jonathan Friesen
We are often reminded how peaceful our world has become, a world without a police force or prison, where crimes and uprisings have nearly disappeared. But we’ve paid a price. The emotional root of all conflict – fear, anger, love, especially love – is prohibited. The goal of our schooling is to master a life of total self-control. A life without wrinkles, without feeling, without soul. Jonathan Friesen
I slowly climbed the porch steps while wondering, what exactly did Elias know about my life in London; what precisely was wrong with his mind... And what was the heaviest item in my bag. Jonathan Friesen
We're all here. We're close to the truck, and we met Kenton, a fine citizen of Salem. We rescued Izzy and found our way through a very sad darkness, dangers that we knew from Izzy's Orion interpretation would be waiting for us. We're definitely on the right track. Jonathan Friesen
Wanting and wishing are very different Jonathan Friesen